Wednesday 1 May 2013

The Relationship~

Relationship is a very special bound and connection that developed among human. It begins the moment a foetus is still in the womb of the mother. As we grow up, it developed naturally as we open our heart to others. Besides that, it also develops through all types of communication. Relationship can even shape our characteristics as we grow. Relationship among human changes in the process of growing. Therefore, it is divided into several categories which I will explain one by one in this essay.

When a human is still at the foetus stage, it can feel the love, the tender and the touch of its mother. Even though it is still in the womb, but it can already feel the emotion of its mother. This is how the relationship between a mother and a child begins to develop. When a mother has given birth to a child, the form of mother and the child’s relationship changes as the mother can hug or kiss her child to show the love for her child. For example, the relationship between a mother and her child will grow stronger through breast-feeding as the child can feel the warmth of his or her mother’s body. When the child is still young, parents are the closest people in their life. When the he or she began to make used of memory and thoughts, the child started to realize that parents are the one who would be there for them whenever they are thirsty, hungry or tired. This kind of parental relationship makes them feel safe and comfortable. However, a child does not get the same level of love and care from their parents as they grow up. If they are having siblings, more care and attention will be given to their siblings. And when busy parents have to work, relationship between they and their children will not be the same as it was when their children are still babies. Parents tend to care less for their children and begin to let their children to learn how to be independent. Here is when their children will form another form of relationship with others as they grow.

When a child starts to has siblings, he/she will begin to learn how to live along with their siblings. Some of them may not get along well with their siblings because of jealousy for the unequal love from their parents, but some may even love and care for their siblings as they know that siblings are also their family members. If a child is the eldest in the family, he or she will learn to bear the responsibility in taking care of their younger siblings. They will learn to love their siblings and share everything with them. Relationship among siblings is incomparable because they have the same bloodline.

When a child starts to go to school, he/she begins to bind the relationship with their classmates and teachers. During this stage, the feeling of envy can happen between the child and his/her classmates in wanting to own whatever his/her classmates have, such as dolls, expensive and fancy pencil case, branded shoes or bags and others. From here, not only the things have become comparison among classmates, but the academic results as well. If the child is highly motivated, then he/she would always want to get the highest mark in class and not wanting to lose to any of his classmates. On the hand, during this stage they begin to make friend with their classmates. Some of them may even form a group of good friends. They may not know how to start to make friends with others, but it may just start with a simple smile or a simple ‘hello’. As the child precede to a higher level of education, for instance, secondary school, their bound with their friends will get stronger as they will not longer stick to their parents or turn to their parents whenever they face any problem. At this stage, friends become the closest people in their life. Students in secondary school are still naïve and immature, therefore, sometimes they misjudge the personality of their friends. Moreover, during this stage if they make friends with the mischeiveous kids and there is no one to guide and advise them to stay away from those friends, they may go astray and do something beyond the school regulations such as smoking, dying hair, vandalise school properties, stealing and others. If they still have not come back to the right path, their future will be destroyed in the hand of their bad friends. Relationship among friends can be beneficial in helping you whenever you need help but it can also deteriorating your future if you do not choose the right friends.

In addition, relationship between students and teachers developed from the moment a child step into a school. Teachers are the one who give knowledge, guide and motivate the students in the process of teaching and learning. In school, students will be taught all kinds of knowledge which will prepare the path for them towards success in the future when they graduate. Besides parents, teachers are the closest adults to students. Therefore, they learn how to respect and be polite to their teachers. Teachers are not only responsible for giving knowledge to their students but also to care and concern for their students’ problems which will affect their students’ studies. A good teacher should guide their students whenever their students face problems in their studies, as well as personal problems such as relationship with friends, families and even boyfriends or girlfriends. Teachers not only play the role as the instructor, but also the guidance and the facilitator of students. Sometimes a teacher can also be the friend of their students. Therefore, the relationship between a teacher and a student is not as simple as we thought that teachers are only educators.

Furthermore, when a students work in the society after they finish their education, their relationship with the colleagues, the boss and their clients begins to form. At this stage, they will learn how to co-operate and to be tolerance with their colleagues, how to respect and fulfill their boss’s requirement and how to satisfy their clients with good services. In this working stage, they must know how to communicate and socialize. Only by doing so, the relationship that I mentioned above be maintained. Through this kind relationship, the individual can learn a lot about the real society and become more mature in dealing with all kinds of problems and situation. In addition, he or she can gain more experiences through learning with others.

Other than that, when one had gotten married, the bind between a husband and wife begins. At this stage, couples will learn how to respect, tolerance, caring and more loving each other. This kind of relationship is very special because the one who is going to live the rest of life with you is your spouse. Besides that, in this relationship, neither your parents nor your friend is the closest person to you. In state, your spouse will be the closest person to you because you will be going through every obstacles and solving every problems and difficulties with your wife or your husband. Falling in love is easy but to maintain that kind of relationship is not easy. Therefore, a lot of caring and patient is required to maintain this eternal and ever lasting husband and wife relationship.

Last but not least, a very unique relationship can also be bounded between animals and human. There are those who do not keep in touch much with people around them but are able to live and spend most of the time with animals. This is because they are able to understand and communicate with animals. In fact, animals are much more easier to get along with compared to human who have complicated thought and mind. Animals can be human’s faithful companion whenever human need help or feel lonely. Some old couples who are abandoned by their children can spend the rest of their time with their pet dogs or cats. In the ancient time of Egypt, cats are worshipped as God. In Indian, cows are treated as sacred animals. In Vietnam and China of the olden days, cows are used to work at the farm. From here, we can see the various types of relationship bind between animals and human.

In short, in the process of growing and in our daily life, different kinds of relationship are developing without us noticing them or we purposely want them to happen. Every relationship is gifted by the God and every relationship is very precious, therefore, we should appreciate and treasure it.

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